US Appraiser Search
A directory of Real Estate Appraisers in all 50 states!

Real Estate Appraisers matching your search criteria in "Kentucky"

Search Results: 16 Appraiser(s) were found matching the search criteria you had selected. Advanced Search

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The Appraisal Group, LLC Louisville, KY 40218 Ph: 502-493-4744
Appraiser: Joy Bickel Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-493-4722
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA VA
Counties Covered: Allen, Barren, Bullitt, Hardin, Hart, Jefferson, Larue, Meade, Nelson, Shelby, Spencer, Trimble, Warren
The Appraisal Group, LLC currently consists of 12 appraisers with a wide range of knowledge and experience. We offer residential RELOS, FHA, VA, REO and measures. Average turn time 24-48 hours after site visit. There is an added fee for some counties. Give us a call,we will gladly quote that county.

JP Blankenship Appraisal Co Bowling Green, KY 42102 Ph: 270-618-5500
Appraiser: Jenny P Blankenship Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 270-618-5501
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Warren, Allen, Barren
We are FHA, RHS, and KHC, approved.
We are also HQS certified.

BAS Appraisals, Inc. Louisville, KY 40250 Ph: 502-671-1037
Appraiser: Barbara A. Satterly Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-671-1038
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, Nelson, Hardin, Bullitt, Henry, Trimble
There are 3 Certified Appraisers in our office - 3 are KHC and 2 are FHA. Areas of speciality are REO properties with addenda. No out of county fees except for Hardin, Nelson - an additional $50 is required for these 2 counties. Turn times are generally within 24-48 hours after inspection.

Affordable Appraisals, LLC New Albany, IN 47151 Ph: 502-212-1572
Appraiser: Pedro Garcia Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-526-5631
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jeffersonville, Bullitt, Henry, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby & Spencer
Affordable Appraisals is an innovative company in the real estate market. Specializing in a wide range of residential appraisal, small commercial appraisal and consultation services.ERC, Multi-Family, Tax and Estate cases, Small income, Field and Desk reviews, Land, Unique properties and REO.

Amerigroup Appraisals Georgetown, KY 40324 Ph: 502-570-9088
Appraiser: Barbara Kopp Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-570-9018
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Fayette, Scott, Bourbon, Harrison, Franklin, Clark, Jefferson, Shelby, Grant, Owen
We offer residential appraisal services for conventional, FHA, KHC, RHS with inspections. Our website provides constant statis updates for your order. We offer 7 day maximum turn time. Our company prides itself on quality work.

Linda Best Appraisal Service Lexington, KY 40522 Ph: 859-309-1257
Appraiser: Linda Best Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 859-309-1257
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Anderson, Boyle, Clark. Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Laurel, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Nicholas, Powell, Rowan, Scott, Woodford
Single Family Residential, 2-4 Family, FHA. Prefer to be contacted by phone or email.

Alliant Appraisers New Albany, IN 47150 Ph: 502-216-7079
Appraiser: Rob Bitner Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-948-9543
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Bullitt, Oldham, Spencer, Shelby

Watson Appraisals, LLC Louisville, KY 40207 Ph: 502-509-2389
Appraiser: Doug Watson, RAA, GRI Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 800-754-9783
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Nelson, Bullitt, Spencer, Oldham, Henry, Shelby
Watson Appraisals offers a full range of appraisal services, including 1-4 family residential and vacant land. NOTE: Work performed outside of Jefferson County subject to additional fees. Please call or e-mail for a quote today!

Heritage Appraisal Louisville, KY 40206 Ph: 502-491-2930
Appraiser: Doug Stoll Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-491-5363
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Oldham, Jefferson, Spencer, Henry, Shelby, Nelson, Hardin, Meade, Trimble, Bullitt
Heritage has been appraising for 8 years covering 10 counties in the greater Louisville area. Turn around time is 24 hours after property has been inspected. Heritage does FHA and KHC type appraisals in all counties covered.

Rebecca Winn Appraisals Louisville, KY 40205 Ph: 502-445-6244
Appraiser: Rebecca Winn Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-479-5974
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt, Shelby, Spencer
Residential appraisal services with prompt personal contact. Turn-around time is usually 24-36 hours after inspection of property.

 Matching records: 16
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