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Real Estate Appraisers matching your search criteria in "Missouri"

Search Results: 63 Appraiser(s) were found matching the search criteria you had selected. Advanced Search

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Landmark Appraisal Co. Washington, MO 63090 Ph: 636 239-2731
Appraiser: Karen Koopman Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 636 239-2733
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Franklin, Warren, Gasconade, NW Jefferson, West St. Charles
Landmark has been in business for over 35 years with experience in farm, commercial, residential, estate amd MODOT appraisals. We only cover the areas we know resulting in accurate values and appraisals.

A-1 Appraisals, LLC Louisburg, MO 65685 Ph: 417-840-1677
Appraiser: Pamela Lewis Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 866-270-5048
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Greene, Christian, Webster, Dallas, Hickory, Cedar, Lawrence, Polk
Provide professional residential appraisal services. Single family dwellings, duplexes, land, REO, and FHA certified.

Best Appraisal Services Brighton, MO 65617 Ph: 417-830-3895
Appraiser: Angela Best Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 877-839-2159
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Greene, Polk, Dallas, Webster, Christian, Stone,Taney
Best Appraisal Services was started with one basic goal in mind: To offer affordable and ethical valuation services for residential properties in Southwest Missouri. Whether in need for financial planning, estate matters, divorce purposes, and/or mortgage transactions. We pride ourselves in the diversity of what we can provide in regards to real estate appraisal services.

Appletree Appraisal Company Liberty, MO 64085 Ph: 816-517-3213
Appraiser: Jimmy Rippy Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 816-817-0808
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Ray, Clay, Jackson, Platte, Caldwell
Mostly single-family residential appraisal work in the above mentioned counties. Small acreage, Vacant Land and Muti-family services also offfered. Rural properties discussed on a case-by-case basis. Thanks.

King Appraisal Group St. Joseph, MO 64508 Ph: 816-279-9802
Appraiser: John King, SRA Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 816-279-5464
Services Provided: Residential Relocation FHA VA
Counties Covered: Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton, Dekalb, Holt, Nodaway, Platte
SRA with the Appraisal Institute, Chase approved, VA, FHA, and we cover all of Northwest Missouri. 23+ years and 3 appraisers.

Adcock Appraisal Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Ph: 573-332-0050
Appraiser: Gary Adcock Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 573-332-0350
Services Provided: Residential FHA
Counties Covered: Cape Girardeau,Scott,Bollinger,Perry
Single Family Appraisals both conventional and FHA.

National Appraisal Services, Inc St Louis, MO 63146 Ph: 314-872-3554
Appraiser: Gene W Dwiggins, CREA, CRA, CVC Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 314-872-1948
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: camden, miller, morgan, st louis county and city, st charles, jefferson, : additional counties at slight increase in fee:franklin, lincoln, warren, crawford, benton, cole, washington, st francois, st genivieve, perry, maries, osage, pike, montgomery and boone.
Main office: St Louis, Mo, branch offices in Lake Ozark, Mo and Columbia, Il. On staff appaisers, FHA, edi capable, 48-72 hours from inspection. Purchase, refinance, relocation, drive by, REO,Commerical, foreclosure: We can handle all your Needs:"Real Estate Appraisals are our only Business"

Greenwall Appraisal Service Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 Ph: 573 776 4258
Appraiser: Greenwall Appraisal Service Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 573 785 1338
Services Provided:
Counties Covered: Butler,Stoddard,Wayne,Ripley,Scott,Carter
Serving all of southeast Missouri.

Real Estate Appraisal Connection L.L.C. Belton, MO 64012 Ph: 816-517-5113
Appraiser: Karen Walton Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 816-322-6861
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Missouri: Platte, Clay, Jackson, Cass, Johnson, Kansas: Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Johnson, Miami, Douglas
I'm certified Kansas & Missouri and cover the greater Metropolitan area & outlying area's and can provide a quick turnaround time. FHA Conv REO. Missouri Counties Include: Platte, Clay, Jackson, Cass, Johnson (MO). Kansas Counties Include: Douglas, Johnson(KS), Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Miami.

Clear Creek Appraisals Nevada, MO 64772 Ph: 417-321-1704
Appraiser: Debra Schuster Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 417-667-0755
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Vernon, Bates, Cedar, Barton
Vernon County is primary, South Bates, West Cedar and North Barton county.

 Matching records: 63
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